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The company INSIGHT at the SAWO Exhibition - 2024

INSIGHT at the SAWO Exhibition in Poznań, Poland - 2024

SAWO is the largest exhibition in the occupational safety and health industry in Central and Eastern Europe. This biennial event provides an excellent opportunity to showcase the latest achievements of Polish and international manufacturers in safety equipment and occupational health.

It was an incredible gathering of professionals in the field of occupational safety and health, and we are proud to have had the opportunity to present our innovative solutions there.

Throughout the exhibition, we held numerous meetings that opened new horizons for collaboration. Our team met with potential partners, and we look forward to future projects together.

SAWO Exhibition

INSIGHT continues to move forward, implementing new technologies and collaborating with other industry leaders. The SAWO 2024 exhibition was a significant moment for our company.

We sincerely thank everyone who visited our booth and showed interest in our products. Your support and trust mean a lot to us.